Phone rings.
K: “Hello...”
Caller: “Is this Kolleen?”
K: “Yes.”
Caller: “This is the nurse from the doctor’s office. Is this a good time? Do you have a few minutes to talk?”
K – (thinking this mustn’t be good.) “Sure.”
Nurse: “I have the results of your biopsies. The good news is …” (I interpret this as “there must be bad news”.) “the one on your back is benign. The one on your cheek, however, is basal cell carcinoma so we want to get you in to remove it right away.”
This was the phone conversation I had last Thursday (May 13, 2021) just after finishing with my last client. Immediately, I called my husband at work to tell him. Then I sent a text to my son telling him to come over because I needed to talk to him. I tried calling my mother who wasn’t home, has no answering machine and doesn’t carry a cell phone. I sent a text to my two brothers and one of them called me immediately with words of encouragement.
As the shock wore off, making room for the reality that I had cancer, I began researching it via the internet. When Quinn got home, we compared notes and we were both relieved that it wasn’t melanoma which is much more serious and potentially life threatening. I learned a lot about this type of cancer, the treatment options, the possible outcomes and follow up recommendations. So now, we wait. The dermatologist referred me to UNMC due to the paralysis I experience with the tiniest amount of anesthetic or anesthesia. We are hoping to get in ASAP. I would like to have some healing occur and deal with any potential problems before we leave town in 3 1/2 weeks.
I know that this cancer is nothing like what our friends or family who died in a short time faced, but it has gotten my attention. Nobody wants to hear the “c word”, even if it appears to be small and operable. When I look at all of my family members that have died of cancer or those that are still dealing with it, I can say that it is a club I didn’t want to join. So now that I am a member, what do I do?
I was so busy with work and company for several days after getting the diagnosis that I didn’t have time to process it. When Monday rolled around and I had been exhausted for days, I decided that God was telling me something and I needed to listen. I canceled my webinar for this Friday (today) and rescheduled it for July which caused me instant relief. I decided that I am going to get my exercise every day and will not work such long hours at the computer every day. I am turning off the computer before supper and am not turning it back on. I am going to bed earlier and not setting an alarm so I can get rest and not feel so drained. I am paying attention to what I am eating and I put the kolaches and angel food cake from the weekend in the freezer so it is out of sight. So far, I am sticking to the plan and have a lot more energy.
Getting the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma is a wake-up call for me to work less, relax more and take better care of myself. Is there a wake-up call that you need to answer?