Fireworks of Language and Thought: Handle with Care!

BOOM!!!  BOOM!!!  BOOM!!!  The 4th of July is upon us and soon we will be hearing all kinds of noise from fireworks.  Some of us enjoy the pretty ones that expand in colorful rings or designs.  Some appreciate the gentle ones like snakes and colorful smoke balls.  Yet others like the loud ones that sound like bombs.    Which ones do you like?

 Consider this.  When you talk with others or with yourself, which type of fireworks represent the type of language, the message and the positivity or negativity of that conversation?  Have your words and emotions exploded like a bomb – KA-BOOM!!?  Or have they lit up the sky with beautiful designs and colors that cause you and others to “OOOH!!” and “AHHH!”

We sometimes forget the impact our thoughts and words have on ourselves and others.  We get careless with our thoughts and the language we use in our self-talk and conversations with others.  If we aren’t careful, the negativity can act like TNT and explode causing lots of damage and injuries.

This weekend, I began reading Louise Hay’s book,The Power is Within You in which she addresses the issues of being aware of the power of our thoughts, our connection to the universe and the collective unconscious.   She says, “. . . I found that there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to love yourself.   When people start to love themselves more each day, it’s amazing how their lives get better.  They feel better.  They get the jobs they want.  They have the money they need.  Their relationships either improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin.” 

She says world peace begins with inner peace within each of us.  We need to remember that we are in control of our minds and need to realize the power we have to affect ourselves and others.  Our thoughts are creative and shape our lives.  If we keep in mind, the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would do unto yourself”, we would realize that what we give out comes back to us. “The way we talk to ourselves is really important because it becomes the basis of our spoken words.  It sets up the mental atmosphere in which we operate and which attracts us to our experiences. If we belittle ourselves, life is going to mean very little to us.  If we love and appreciate ourselves, then life can be a wonderful, joyous gift.”

Do you “should” on yourself or others?  Pay attention to the “shoulds” you use and that you hear others use.  Hay says this shows that you are trying to control things you can’t control and you are trying to make yourself or others “wrong”.  Eliminate the “shoulds” and the “have tos” from your life and begin to say “choose to” which “puts a whole different perspective on our lives.”

Hay tells the story of her life and how she changed her “poverty thinking” or “negative programming” by paying attention to her thoughts and words and by forgiving herself for not being perfect.  She began to trust life, to lighten up and to stop telling “disaster stories”.  She quit watching the news and stopped gossiping. If you want to get a realistic picture of the messages you are sending out, she suggests keeping a recording of all of your phone calls for several weeks.  When you listen to them, you may be surprised to hear the words you use, the inflection of your voice and the patterns you discover which may be negative or positive and supportive. 

So what do you think?  What are the messages you are “shooting” to yourself and to others?  What type of fireworks do your thoughts and words represent?  Are they extremely explosive, producing lots of noise and destruction?  Or are they beautiful, creative and colorful which cause your audience to feel happy and awestruck?  Choose your words and your thoughts carefully so there are no injuries to yourself or others.  Enjoy the sparkle in the spectacular show of your creation!

This article was posted in the Coach's Corner of the ASTD Newsletter for July 2015.  You can reach Kolleen through this website, Linked In, Facebook or by calling her at (402) 499-5547.  She offers workshops, small groups and individual life coaching on a variety of topics to help you create the life you dream of but haven't been able to achieve.